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14 total results found

Cómo cancelar los pagos automáticos o suscripción de PayPal

Facturación y pagos

Los pagos automáticos o suscripciones de PayPal son una buena manera de asegurarte de que el serv...

¿Qué ocurre si no pago mi servidor a tiempo?

Facturación y pagos

Si no has pagado tu servidor a tiempo, el servidor se suspenderá automáticamente 1 día después de...

Cómo usar tu propio Mundo en tu servidor de Minecraft

Minecraft: Java Edition

Puedes cambiar el mundo por defecto o principal de Minecraft para subir tu propio mundo. A contin...

How to cancel Automatic Billing or PayPal Subscription

Billing and payments

Automatic payments or PayPal subscriptions are a good way to ensure that the server is always pai...

What happens if I don't pay for my server on time?

Billing and payments

If you have not paid for your server on time, the server will be automatically suspended upon exp...

How to use your own World on your Minecraft server

Minecraft: Java Edition

You can change the default world of your Minecraft server to upload your own world. These are th...

How to Add Users to your Server Control Panel

Minecraft: Java Edition

You can add new users to your server's control panel to help you manage it. We know these users a...

How to Set your Minecraft Server to Offline Mode

Minecraft: Java Edition

BEFORE DISABLING ONLINE MODE:Disabling online mode means that your server will no longer use Moja...

Cómo acceder a los archivos de tu servidor mediante FTP

Minecraft: Java Edition

En Vultam tienes 2 formas para acceder y gestionar tus archivos. En primer lugar tenemos el clien...

Cómo utilizar un dominio o IP personalizada en tu servidor

Minecraft: Java Edition

En esta guía aprenderás a como configurar tu servidor con un dominio personalizado.Por defecto, l...

How to use a domain or custom IP on your server

Minecraft: Java Edition

In this guide, you will learn how to setup your server with a custom domain.By default, the IP th...

How to add an Operator to your server

Minecraft: Java Edition

To allow certain users to have access to all the existing commands on a Minecraft server, it is n...

How to change the MOTD of your server

Minecraft: Java Edition

You can change the Message of the Day (MOTD) of your server to a custom one. These are the steps...

How to add a server icon

Minecraft: Java Edition

You can add an icon to your server to be displayed on the server-list. The image must meet the f...